Dog-Bite Prevention Presentation: Become a Dog-Body-Language Detective!

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

Dogs are amazing animals and have the potential to bring an abundance of joy into people's lives! Most dogs are also very fast, strong, and have extremely powerful jaws!! Since dogs are such a popular pet in our communities it's really important for people (owners and non-owners) to make the time to learn more about dogs as a species and how they communicate. Dogs have rich emotional lives and they often "wear their emotions on their sleeve". Almost every single body part on a dog has a story to tell! All we have to do is pay close attention and look for clues to tell us how they're feeling in any given moment. Please join us for a presentation on reading canine body language to reduce the chances of your kids or you being bit, and to set yourself and your family up for safer, more enjoyable interactions with willing dogs! While the slides are geared toward grade-school-aged kids, the information shared is beyond common knowledge and valuable no matter what your age (toddlers, teens, parents, grandparents)! (FYI: No live dogs are permitted at this location.)

Amy was a Certified Professional Dog Trainer and trained/taught at the Wisconsin Humane Society and private practice for 10 years, and completed an apprenticeship and post-baccalaureate academic program in humane, science-based dog behavior and training/psychology. She has been a guardian and trainer of many dogs and one pot-bellied pig/wild boar hybrid.